Summary of Eudora Menu Commands File This menu provides basic file and mail program functions.   New Text Document Create a new text file. Open... Open the selected message summary, or open a text file, or open a Eudora Settings file. Close Close the current window. Save Save changes to the contents of the topmost window. This applies to composition windows, text windows, and the Nicknames window. Save As... Save the current message(s) to a plain text file. Send Queued Messages Send all messages that have been queued for delivery. Check Mail Pick up new mail from the POP server. Page Setup... Set printing options. Print... Print the current message(s), text window, or Ph window. Print Selection... Print the current selection from a message, text window, or Ph window. Quit Quit the Eudora application. Edit This menu provides text editing and sorting tools.   Undo Reverses the last editing action taken on a piece of text. Cut Delete selected text and place it on clipboard. Copy Copy selected text and place it on clipboard. Paste Place contents of clipboard at chosen insertion point in message. Paste as Quotation Place contents of clipboard at insertion point, with ‘>’ characters at the beginning of each line to denote quoted text. Clear Delete selected text. Select All Select entire contents of message or mailbox. Show Insertion Point Scroll selection or insertion point into view. Wrap Selection Insert returns into the current selection, in the same way as Eudora does when it sends mail. With the [option] key, unwrap text the way Save As... does when Guess Paragraphs is turned on. Finish Nickname Complete the partial text of a nickname in the field of a message header. Insert Recipient Insert the chosen nickname/address from the Quick Recipient list at the insertion point. Find Search for designated text or a character string within message(s). Sort sub menu Sorts message summaries in a mailbox. Hold down the [option] key to reverse the order of the sort. Mailbox This menu lets you open a mailbox, or bring an open mailbox to the front.   In Open mailbox where incoming messages are stored until deleted or transferred to another mailbox. Out Open mailbox where messages you compose are stored, and where queued messages are held until actually sent, and where copies of sent messages may be initially stored. Trash Open mailbox where deleted messages are stored. [Your Mailboxes] Mailboxes you create are also displayed in this menu. Message This menu lets you create and delete messages.   New Message Open new message composition window. Reply Reply to the sender of the current message. Forward Forward the current message to someone else. Redirect Forward the current message to someone else, but make the return address be the person who originally sent the message. Send Again Resend a message rejected by the mail system. Be sure to fix whatever caused the problem before you queue the message. New Message To Send a message to someone on the Quick Recipient list. Reply To Reply to the current message, but send the reply to someone on the Quick Recipient list. Forward To Forward the current message to someone on the Quick Recipient list. Redirect To Redirect the current message to someone on the Quick Recipient list. Queue For Delivery Save the message in the Out mailbox and mark it as queued, or ready to be delivered. Change Queueing... Queue a message, unqueue a queued message, or set a message for timed send. Attach Document Attach file(s) to the current message. Delete Transfer the current message to the Trash mailbox; also used for deleting messages from the Trash mailbox. Transfer This menu lets you transfer current message(s) to the selected mailbox.   In Transfer the current message(s) to the In mailbox. Trash Transfer the current message(s) to the Trash mailbox. New... Display New Mailbox dialog to create a new mailbox; current message(s) may be transferred into that mailbox. [Your Mailboxes] Transfer the current message(s) to the selected mailbox that was previously created by you. Special This menu provides additional Eudora functions.   Make Nickname... Create a nickname for an address or addresses in the current message. Add As Recipient Add selected text to the Quick Recipient list. Remove Recipient Select a recipient from this menu and the recipient is removed from the Quick Recipient list. Empty Trash Delete all messages from the Trash mailbox. Compact Mailboxes Reclaim unused space in mailboxes. Settings... Display the Settings dialog. Communications... Display the Communications Toolbox settings (not needed when using MacTCP). Forget Password Make Eudora ask for your password the next time it checks for mail. Change Password... Change your password on the POP server computer. This requires a special server. Window All Eudora window titles are listed in this menu. Select one to open it or bring it to the front.   Mailboxes Display the Mailboxes window. Nicknames Display the Nicknames window. Ph Display the Ph window. Signature Display the Signature window. Send to Back Send the topmost current window to the back of all displayed windows. [Mailbox Windows] Toggle between open mailboxes.   Return to Table of Contents